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Non Fellowship news of interest to members

F.G. Kitton Exhibition

An exhibition celebrating the life and work of Frederic George Kitton (1856-1904), the writer and illustrator who was one of the pioneers of the Dickens Fellowship and was intended to be the first editor of The Dickensian, will be held at the St. Albans Museum from 16 September to 2 January 2023. The Museum is open 11.00 – 17.00. Admission is free. Further information is available via the link above.

Click here for details

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The exhibition - 'Genoa and Christmas through Dickens's Eyes' opened on 9th December and will run until the 9th January at the Villa della Duchessa di Galliera, Genoa. The exhibition celebrates Dickens stay in that city in 1844 when he wrote his second Christmas book – The Chimes. The exhibition has been supported by the Carrara Branch of the DF and by some material loaned by the CD Museum in London.

A link to the exhibition can be found here.

A recent visit by Paul Graham can be seen here

When Dickens lived in Italy in 1844, it was Genoa he chose as his home. Dickens found the famous Bay of Naples to be “immeasurably inferior to the Bay of Genoa, which is the most lovely thing I have ever seen. The city, in like manner, will bear no comparison with Genoa. But there is none in Italy that will, except Venice.” This exhibition takes its cue from that fact, and during his stay Dickens wrote his second Christmas book, The Chimes, in Genoa in 1844.

The way Dickens perceived Genoa and its neighbourhood was different from that of many foreign artists and writers who visited it in the XIX century. Dickens was not only interested in the city, its monuments, harbour and in the glorious time when Genoa was a Maritime Republic, but also in its inhabitants and old traditions. Old views of Genoa painted when Dickens stayed there first at Albaro and then at Villa delle Peschiere, by famous painters Domenico Cambiaso and Luigi Caribbo, together with a first edition of The Chimes, portraits of some of Dickens's friends and copies of some letters that the Charles Dickens Museum have loaned, are displayed. The exhibition, which takes place in the little theatre of the XVII century Villa Duchessa di Galliera, shows a portrait of Dickens's recently bought in the US and restored for the exhibition.

A section is dedicated to Charles Dickens and the Italian patriot Giuseppe Mazzini who was born in Genoa and lived in exile in London. Marzia Dati, President of the Carrara Branch of the Dickens Fellowship, is the guest curator of one of the  panels in which she describes the relationship between Dickens and Mazzini in London.

The curators are Matteo Frulio and Marco Cazzulo, the exhibition is patronized by the Commune of Genoa, The Charles Dickens Museum, The Carrara Branch of the Dickens Fellowship, and the Consulate of the United Kingdom in Genoa.

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The Dickens Fellowship acknowledges permission from the Charles  Dickens Museum to use many images from its library on this website

The Dickens Fellowship
The Dickens Fellowship
48 Doughty Street
London WC1N 2LX
This Web Site is dedicated to Martha Rosso (1922 - 2003) and Alan Watts (1919-2016)
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