Macready! Dickens' Theatrical Friend

'Macready! Dickens' Theatrical Friend' written & performed by Mark Stratford
A compelling solo show which tells the remarkable story of the great 19th century actor-manager, Macready; the man to whom Charles Dickens dedicated 'Nicholas Nickleby'.
Next performance dates: Tuesday 28th to Thursday 30th November 2023
Venue: Questors Studio, Questors Theatre, 12 Mattock Lane, Ealing, London W5 5BQ
Time: 7.45pm
Duration: 80 minutes (no interval)
Produced by: Stratford Productions:
Facebook: stratfordproductions
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The Dickens Fellowship
The Dickens Fellowship
48 Doughty Street
London WC1N 2LX
This Web Site is dedicated to Martha Rosso (1922 - 2003) and Alan Watts (1919-2016)
Copyright 2021  © The Dickens Fellowship: All rights reserved
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