Barnaby Rudge Website

Those who attended the Fellowship conference in 2012 will have attended a splendid production of Barnaby Rudge at the Kings Theatre in Southsea.  The adaptor was Eileen Norris, whose love of and faith in this novel is illimitable.  Eileen has now devised a website devoted to the novel which can be accessed from the link below.  It would be good to see another television adaptation of this undervalued novel; and Eileen seems the ideal candidate for the job!

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The Dickens Fellowship acknowledges permission from the Charles  Dickens Museum to use many images from its library on this website

The Dickens Fellowship
The Dickens Fellowship
48 Doughty Street
London WC1N 2LX
This Web Site is dedicated to Martha Rosso (1922 - 2003) and Alan Watts (1919-2016)
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