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Rochester Pickwick Club

Regular meeting venue:
Contact:  Cyril Baldwin, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 01634 851512



Regular meeting venue: Once monthly, Channing Hall, Surrey St. Sheffield. 
Branch SecretaryJulie Edworthy,  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Branch Administrator:  Julian Crooks  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Sheffield Branch currently has 40 members. We study the works, life, and times of Charles Dickens, usually attached to reading a particular work each year. There is an annual programme of events designed to facilitate our study in a variety of ways - talks, trips, workshops, readings, musical and theatrical events. We hold an annual public reading of `A Christmas Carol` every December in aid of Sheffield's homeless people.
Our venue is in the city centre and easily accessible by public transport. There is good access for those with physical disability. Membership costs £12 a year.


Southend and District

Regular meeting venue: Highlands Methodist Church (monthly September to June)
Contact: Mr Dennis Frankin, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., +44 1268 792847

Founded in 1910 the Southend & District Branch has been active in the borough since that date. In its heyday in the 1930's and 40's the membership was over 200. Today, however, we have a much smaller membership although all the members show tremendous enthusiasm in their love of the works of Charles Dickens and participate wholeheartedly in our reading sessions. In true Dickensian spirit all the members care about and support one another and enjoy not only the Dickens readings but a true sense of Fellowship fuelled by good humour and laughter.



The Southwold Branch meets monthly from September to May on the 4th Tuesday of the month in The Guide Centre, Cautley Road, Southwold. Members, both local and from other Suffolk towns and villages, number around 20. The annual subscription is currently £8.

Our programme typically covers presentations on Dickensian subjects and readings from the works of Charles Dickens by members, study of one novel each year, a Christmas celebration, a Birthday lunch and a Spring buffet. Visitors and new members are always welcome.

Chairperson & Treasurer, Mr W J Wallond tel. 01502 722212 email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Regular meeting venue: The Hale Auditorium, on the campus of Church of the Redeemer, 5603 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD  21210.
Contact: Ruth Scally (president): This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Alternative: Andrea Struble (secretary): This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Baltimore chapter became a branch of the Dickens Fellowship in 2014 after having been active for a number of years. Our enthusiastic group of Dickens devotees reads one novel by Dickens each year, with five or six monthly meetings beginning in September.

The Baltimore branch may be unique in that we have an official Sommelier who sends photos, descriptions and tasting notes for the wines he has selected for each meeting. The wines are provided by our Sommelier and served in stemware, adding another dimension of interest to our Dickens discussions.

The group sometimes schedules outings to a theater or other local venue—and in June we have a party, where we celebrate all things Dickens and vote on the next novel selection.

Special guests with a Dickens connection are occasionally invited to our meetings. In October 2022, we welcomed Loyola University Maryland professor Brian Murray, who joined us for a discussion of Our Mutual Friend. Professor Murray is the author of two books about Dickens: Charles Dickens (biography and literary study, 1994), and the illustrated Bedside Guide to Dickens (2009). 

Dickens visited Baltimore in 1842 and was favorably impressed with our public buildings and monuments, many of which still exist. He returned to the city during his second U.S. visit in 1867–68, when he performed a public dramatic reading.

The Baltimore branch welcomes visitors to our meetings! Meetings are on Friday evenings from 7 to 9 p.m. See the schedule in our events listing. Email and let us know if you plan to join us. The Hale Auditorium is located off the E. Melrose Street parking lot behind the church. Enter the auditorium under the green awning.


The Dickens Fellowship acknowledges permission from the Charles  Dickens Museum to use many images from its library on this website

The Dickens Fellowship
The Dickens Fellowship
48 Doughty Street
London WC1N 2LX
This Web Site is dedicated to Martha Rosso (1922 - 2003) and Alan Watts (1919-2016)
Copyright 2021  © The Dickens Fellowship: All rights reserved
DF Digital transformation courtesy S Newton, E Jones, S McKenzie.
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