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Upcoming Events

Regular meeting venue: Community Room of Taraval Police Station, SF
Contact:  Marguerite Romanello, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 14159940568

The SF branch is a small but lively group that concentrates on reading and discussion of Dickens works, keeping a theme in mind. The group has agreed to add works of other Victorian writers that compliment the themes of the Dickens works or were championed by or worked with Dickens. So, the fellowship has added Trollope, Scott, Gaskell, Fielding, Sterne, Austen, Collins, Poe (whom he met), and Twain. The members also have spent some time reading books that Dickens read and may have influenced his writing, such as The Arabian Nights. The members are willing to explore many avenues of interest with Dickens as the lodestone.

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