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Upcoming Events

Regular meeting venue:
Contact: Max Magee This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We generally choose one book per year to focus on, usually in the order of publication. There are six meetings per year, including special events. Our schedule mirrors the academic year, starting in September and ending with a spring celebratory luncheon held at a local country club. Other meetings are held in members' homes. We do not meet in November (due to conflicts with Thanksgiving) or January (due to difficult travel conditions), or from May-August.

The meetings are generally scheduled at 2 pm, usually on the 4th Sunday of the month with some exceptions. One such as the Tiny Tim Tea, our annual fundraiser for Camp Wawbeek (a recreational camp in Wisconsin for handicapped children) and the local chapter of the Second Harvest Foodbank. This is held the first Saturday in December, and takes the place of what would have been the Nov/Dec regular meetings. It usually includes a carol sing-along, seasonal readings/performances, Dickens-theme puzzles, door prizes, the annual group cracker-pull, and a special tea.

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