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In Memoriam - Leslie Bowyer

We regret to inform you of the passing of Mr Leslie Bowyer,
who was a past Chairman of the Executive Committee London and also later
Hon. Treasurer of The Dickens Fellowship and Dickens House for 17 years.

He was a lifelong advocate for the works of Dickens from his days as a
schoolboy when his headmaster introduced him to A Christmas Carol which
the school presented as a play for their speech day. He continued to
read the story every year of his adult life starting on the 1st December
until he reached the age of 98, using a rather tatty paperback copy
given to him by Cedric Dickens, a very good friend. He was also a member of
the Pickwick Club with the character name of Podder.

His funeral will be held on 19th December at Chelmsford Crematorium at
2pm and afterwards at Greenwoods Hotel, Stock.

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